Archive for the ‘parody’ Category

Pie In His Eye (Song Parody by Rick London c2011) sung to Alan Parson’s Eye In The Sky

July 20, 2011

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dedicated to my DW Lee London-Hiller


  On thin ice Rupert Murdoch treads,
And puts News Of The World To Bed,
Hard to say goodbye to media whores,
Rupert and James are such dismal bores,
Walking greed,
Turned phone hacking pros,
With life dedicated to separating America into left and right wing.
Cable news went from 24/7 ceiling debt,
To Mr. Marbles’ pie thrown at Rupert’s head,
Newscorp employees jumping ship from no espirit de corps
How could they take anymore?
Did he hack me?
A pie in his eye,
His young wife just got a slight Ding.

How ’bout that pie in his eye,
Not long after Rebekah Brooks resigns
No more media old school,
Rupert’s no fool, he can cheat you blind,
That’s how he became a media fat cat,
He’ll take all he can find (sleeping with you)
He really doesn’t mind (if you sing the blues),
He’s lower than slime (the sewers are full of this type news)
His testimony’s maligned.
His ethics are undefined.
He’s technically out of his mind,
And any fool who walks in his door,
Won’t work there long before leaving.
Some believe his lies awhile,
But all his signs are deceiving


Rick London is a writer, songwriter, cartoonist and designer. In 1997 he founded Londons Times Cartoons which has been the #1 Google & MSN ranked offbeat cartoons on the Internet since 2005.  He also recently founded which manufacturers Sushi Shoes and other Sushi Gifts. He is married to nature photographer Lee Hiller-London founder of nature blog Hike Our Planet. They are active in animal, environmentaland veteran causes, and live and work in the Ouichata Mountains of Arkansas.

“140 Ways To Tweet Another” by Rick London c2011… Sung To The Tune Of Paul Simon’s “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover”

February 16, 2011

Paul Simon (Click To Enlarge)

Too Much Twitter Information (Click To Enlarge) by Londons Times


My laptop & me are under the goose down on my bed,

I take a sip of some bitter green tea.

My choices Twitter or AOL News,

Before deciding I get up & go pee,

I choose Twitter see a few con artists & a drug smuggler,

And a life coach offering an amazing Ebook publishing lessons for almost free,

There must be 140 ways,

Whoops here comes an iconoclastic business sabateur

Says he’d like to serve us if we weren’t so morally unfit,

And quite rude,

I posted my site link will it land on Google or Bing?

If it stays on Twitter then then for sure I’m screwed,

I guess I have arrived….Now have more followers than self-help books on my shelf

So much Twitter drama is there ever not a feud?

There must be 140 ways to tweet another,

I’m not a celeb, and don’t know @JustinBeiber & not his brother,

I’m not @Glennbeck or Tommy Smothers


Enter Twitter stage left a few wanna be PR flacks,

And a few running male enhancement scams,

Some usual suspects sharing bathroom habits that annoy,

Another paid trending topic by @IMDiddy.

A wannabe film critic telling me Ishtar is “a must”

A New England counselor insisting I’m using Twitter as a crutch,

Giving me a cyber-diagnosis for free,

And some more bourgeoisie.

Some there are bitter, others sweet as Bordeaux.

That some have no IQ has been clearly preordained.

Do you have money or social influence a cyber-philantrophist needs you, handing out cheap cards & a crash course in kung fu.

He’ll meet you at a Hyatt bar for tweet up but his debit card is declined again

But there’s time to chat,

About a charity of financial gain,

Or type 140 ways to tweet another.


In case you don’t know what is wrong,

From what is right,

Don’t smoke and claim to be green,

Or attend @GreenExpo drinking a Sprite.

But use highbrow words like “Chi”,

Don’t let too many know if  you lean left or right,

Because there’s 140 ways to

tweet another.

Find the facebook status has changed from “engaged”  to “looking” on the page of your (former) lover.


In addition to being a songwriter, Rick London founded the #1 ranked offbeat cartoon on the Internet Londons Times Cartoons and its peripheral funny gift shops.  He also founded the world’s only famous love quote shoes,  He and his wife designer/photographer Lee Hiller-London enjoy animals, hiking and nature.  She has her own wildlife/nature blog, Hike Our Planet.

“Egyptian Revolution” by Rick London c2011 To The Tune Of The Beatles “Revolution”

February 13, 2011

For my wife Lee Hiller-London

Egypt had a revolution,
Mubarek had to go,
Order of a new world,

Beatles: Click To Enlarge

As they formed the revolution,

Soliman proved he was no pro. Arm Wrestling by Londons Times Cartoons (Click To Enlarge)
facebook & Twitter helped you change the world,
You pulled it off without firing a gun,
There’s no plagues, locusts or droughts
It was in Tahrir Square all night
Only Muslim Brotherhood may try to cause blight.

The army dropped their ammunition,
And get a billion more ya know,
Hamas doesn’t stand a chance,
Algeria, Syria & Gaza on the run,
All Israel’s foes,

Zuckerberg Vs Mubarek (Click To Enlarge)

But now their emperors wear no clothes.
Now Israel & Egypt has a lot of money,
They’ve dropped all their hate,
Syria, Yemen, & Algeria better circumnavigate
Just remember facebook can bite you with its bytes,
Israel & U.S. was nervous for just one night,
Cairo is safe!

Ah, ah, ah, ah, oy…  yeah,

Mubarek: No Evil Here. Move Along Kids (Click To Enlarge)

You’re writing an Egyptian Constitution,
Drinking diet coke and eating Cheetos,
First one ever on a laptop on a bed,
Is Mubarek in an institution?
He’d be better off ya know,
Now you see he’s not so thoroughbred,
Can’t ya see Mohamed ElBaradei was late to lead the show,

Google’s Wael Ghonim is much better anyhow



In addition to being a parody songwriter, Rick London founded Londons Times Cartoons in 1997. Since that time he has built it to be ranked #1 offbeat cartoon by Google & MSN for the past 5 years. He has also created numerous stores featuring funny gifts bearing his cartoons. He is a shoes designer who created the world’s only famous love quote shoes,  He enjoys nature, hiking, animals, and being with his wife Lee Hiller-London, a nature/wildlife photographer in his spare time.

“Yes You’re Gay” To The Tune Of The Beatles “Yesterday” by Rick London c2010

December 9, 2010


Yes, you’re gay,

The Tea Party feels you need someone else to lay,
Throwing Deuteronomy in your face,
Oh they believe you can be changed.

Marriage Decrees,
Is something only for straights you see,
Only straights get to make whoopie,
Get used to 2nd class its what you be.
Why your genetic code’s what it is, I don’t know,  I cannot say

Why Tea Party thinks you sin, Ken Mehlman may have something to say.

Yes you’re gay,
Now the right wing they keep dossiers,
On sexual actions that you might purvey,
They don’t believe you are born gay.

Why they think like this, that sodom is the San Francisco Gay Parade
Maybe you shouldn’t have worn that thong, you’ve been outed the Tea Party wayyyy.

Yes your gay,
In the closet you must quietly play.
Maybe one day you’ll have your day, when the Tea Party has gone away,
And then your gayness you’ll proudly display.



Rick London is a writer, songwriter, cartoonist and designer. He founded Google and MSN’s #1 ranked offbeat cartoons and funny gifts, Londons Times Cartoons and Gifts. He also founded Shoes That Amuse, the world’s only famous love quote shoes, which has been featured favorably on APWire and USA Today.  He is active in animal and wildlife causes and is an avid hiker and mountain climber. He and his wife Lee Hiller-London live and hike in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas

“Security Feels Me” (Song Parody by Rick London c2010) To The Tune Of The Who “See Me, Feel Me”

November 20, 2010

“Security..Feels Me” (Song Parody) by Rick London c2010 sung to The Who “See Me Feel Me”


Dedicated to my wife Lee Hiller-London


Feels me,
Sees me,
Perhaps a chablis?

More feelin’ me,
Squeeze me,
Frisk me,
Is this for free?

Suspicious Airline Passenger by Londons Times Cartoons


New York 80s sex bars weren’t even this sick,
You see me nude, now you’re in heat,
Normally, I’d spray with cayenne,
I’m just frequent flyer meat.

My behinds nude, guess you’ve seen millions,
Don’t you feel this is too gory,
Doesn’t matter if my fly’s open,
Go ahead with  your dirty deed.

All this time together, but we might not click,
This kind of behavior belongs ‘tween the sheets,
What’s on your face? Oh its a sick grin,
Wipe that excitement off your feet.

Hey stop that gawking at what you see jigglin’,
She’s no bomber, that’s just Aunt Bea,
Hang on to your yang it’s not going yin,
Let go of my flag, its not Old Glory.


In addition to being a songwriter, Rick London is also f0under of Londons Times Cartoons, the #1 ranked offbeat cartoon on the Internet.  He also has opened numerous online shops that sell funny gifts bearing his cartoon images.  He also is founder and designer of the world’s only famous love quote shoes, Shoes That Amuse, and runs a cartoon blog about his various ventures. Follow him on Twitter @RickLondon.

Please, Leave BP (by Rick London) Sung To Please, Please Me (Beatles)

July 21, 2010

Please Leave Here BP by Rick London c2010 (Sung to Please, Please Me by The Beatles)

Dedicated To My Wife: Lee Hiller-London

What Bp’s done has made me want to hurl,
My Gulf now has no turrrrr-tles.
The whales are gone,
Please leave here BP, and take your crude.
Now to walk the beach we need haz-mat gloves,
. That you’ll begone,
Please leave here BP, and take your crude.

Now we get dispersement each time its rainin’,
Families & wildlife you have torn apart (torn apart),
Tourists stay home, they now have no reason,
It’s been that way, oh yea, since Deep Horizon blew.
Now your toxins are spreading round the world,
Into the Gulf’s currents they do swirl,
Please cease and desist, and take your crude.


Rick London is a writer, cartoonist and designer as well as a parody song writer. He founded Londons Times Cartoons in 1997 which have become the #1 offbeat cartoon on the Internet. He also founded numerous funny gift shops featuring his cartoons on tees, mugs, etc. London is currently auditioning musicians/bands to record his parody songs (He has written 30 or so about BP). His goal is to write one per week until BP cleans up the entire gulf of oil and dispersement. He is donating his 50% of profits to Gulf causes.

A Londons Times (Panel Hollywood Series) Click To Enlarge

“No Gulf Of Mexico” by Rick London Sung To James Taylor’s “Mexico”

July 8, 2010


Currently Auditioning Bands

July 7, 2010

The Rick London Group is currently auditioning bands and musicians to record our parody songs (mostly, but not all, regarding the BP Oil Disaster) . Please send audio, video, or link to  Though The London Group is contributing 100% to Gulf wildlife causes, the band has the option to contribute or opt-out. It will not affect whom we choose.  Good luck!   Rick London

“Mississippi Sound” by Rick London c2010 (Sung To The Tune Of “Mrs. Robinson” by S&G)

June 28, 2010

Mississippi Sound” by Rick London c2010 (To the tune of Simon & Garfunkel’s

Ms Robinson”

Dedicated to my wife: Lee Hiller-London

Click To Enlarge

BP’s oil destroyed the Mississippi Sound,
The birds have died as well as fish below (a death so slow),
God help you please, Mississippi Sound,
The dolphins need a place where they can play,
Will BP pay?

YouTube puts up news coverage but you remove these video files,
The ocean’s a living hell along with the continental shelf.
The Gulf was once a place wildlife called home.

And look at all the destruction and its only just begun,
Have you not heard of quid pro quo? (Resentment grows).
At least no fear of whaling guns, as there are none.
No pelicans no birds of prey,
(An abandoned Bay).

Capping it is iffy may cause another spill to flow,
Most of us would be imprisoned for this mistake.
Meanwhile Deep Horizon emits a hellish flare.
The economy has hit the skids.

I remember tourists coming here to have fun,
We now know about your balloon and pony show.
I miss my Mississippi Sound,
Heaven knows its where I grew up and played.
Another day, its gone away.

Now its just a place where BP oil was strewn,
BP has sealed the wildlife’s fate.
Have you done this all along would you admit?
Or just too much to lose?
And a tv campaign designed to confuse.

Where’s our way of life we had a long time ago?
Its gone BP because of you (Everyone will lose)
Why did you destroy the Mississippi Sound,
(Why do you stay? Please leave we can only pray).

Rick London is a writer, designer, cartoonist and parody song writer. He founded Londons Times Cartoons in 1997; #1 Google ranked offbeat cartoons since 2005, and MSN #1 ranked since 2008. His goal is to write one BP parody song per week about the Gulf Coast Spill; he is a native of south Mississippi. He is currently auditioning bands/and or musicians to record his songs. He is donating 100% of his half to Gulf Coast causes. It is optional for the recording band and/or musician to also donate. The above cartoon is available at Rick LondonWear on funny mugs, tees, etc.  Sales from this item will also benefit Gulf causes. To audition: Send video, audio or link to We generally respond within a week.

“How Can We Ask BP To Depart” (Song Parody) Tune Of Bee Gees “Mend A Broken Heart” by Rick London

June 27, 2010

How Can We Ask BP To Depart?” (Song Parody by Rick London 2010) To The Tune Of The Bee Gees “How Do You Mend A Broken Heart?”

Click To Enlarge

Dedicated to my wife Lee Hiller-London

I sit in front of cable news with my wife,
Was everything a man could want to do. And watch how BP puts the screws,
I could never see For all the wildlife & those who fish there is not tomorrow.

Black sand…Isn’t it time for BP to depart?
Now that the birds are a gooey brown.
They say August or if storms, in the spring.
They polluted the entire Mississippi Sound.
How will they bring back our white sands?
If we criticize they just chagrin.
Please help return, the sea turtles, and all that swim with fins.

Whatever BP touches once healthy is now diseased,
Even the endangered sperm whales are fried.
Those who once worked will now have to do a lifetime of borrowing……

And, Why won’t BP take Deep Horizon apart,
Just count its losses and leave town.
Forgot politics this is not left or right wing.
You’re thin veneer TV campaign does not confound.
Will we ever get our beaches back to tan?
Will we ever again see a brown peli-can,
How much longer does BP think we’ll just take it on the chin?


Rick London is a writer, designer and cartoonist. He founded Londons Times Cartoons in 1997 which has become Google’s and MSN’s #1 ranked offbeat cartoon with over 4500 images.
He also founded the #1 offbeat cartoon gift shops one of which is The Rick London Collection.  London has a goal to write one BP parody song per week until BP plugs Deep Horizon and cleans the entire Gulf Coast.   Please send audios, videos, or links to 100% of Londons half benefits various Gulf Coast causes. The band is not required to contribute but may.