Archive for the ‘news media’ Category

Pie In His Eye (Song Parody by Rick London c2011) sung to Alan Parson’s Eye In The Sky

July 20, 2011

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Dedicated to my DW Lee London-Hiller


  On thin ice Rupert Murdoch treads,
And puts News Of The World To Bed,
Hard to say goodbye to media whores,
Rupert and James are such dismal bores,
Walking greed,
Turned phone hacking pros,
With life dedicated to separating America into left and right wing.
Cable news went from 24/7 ceiling debt,
To Mr. Marbles’ pie thrown at Rupert’s head,
Newscorp employees jumping ship from no espirit de corps
How could they take anymore?
Did he hack me?
A pie in his eye,
His young wife just got a slight Ding.

How ’bout that pie in his eye,
Not long after Rebekah Brooks resigns
No more media old school,
Rupert’s no fool, he can cheat you blind,
That’s how he became a media fat cat,
He’ll take all he can find (sleeping with you)
He really doesn’t mind (if you sing the blues),
He’s lower than slime (the sewers are full of this type news)
His testimony’s maligned.
His ethics are undefined.
He’s technically out of his mind,
And any fool who walks in his door,
Won’t work there long before leaving.
Some believe his lies awhile,
But all his signs are deceiving


Rick London is a writer, songwriter, cartoonist and designer. In 1997 he founded Londons Times Cartoons which has been the #1 Google & MSN ranked offbeat cartoons on the Internet since 2005.  He also recently founded which manufacturers Sushi Shoes and other Sushi Gifts. He is married to nature photographer Lee Hiller-London founder of nature blog Hike Our Planet. They are active in animal, environmentaland veteran causes, and live and work in the Ouichata Mountains of Arkansas.